Products of the type: COMPART

Number of products we found: 8
Dog kennel Modul COMPART with 2 sleeping compartments 658x240x209cm - € 161
Douglas, with 2 insulated sleeping compartments

Delivery time: 2-12 business days

€ 5.905,-
€ 5.744,-
Dog kennel Modul COMPART with Block 647x185x208cm - € 132
with Block Large, impregnated wood

Delivery time: 2-10 business days

€ 3.521,50
€ 3.390,-
Dog kennel Flinq Double 2x4 m with doghouses and feeding sets - € 80
with doghouses

Delivery time: 2-10 business days

€ 2.417,20
€ 2.337,20
Dog kennel Flinq double 2x4 m. - € 115
with wooden frame and roof

Delivery time: 2-10 business days

€ 2.296,-
€ 2.181,-
- € 215
with doghouses

Available from: 7 mar 25
Delivery time: 2-10 business days from the date of availability

€ 4.338,-
€ 4.123,-
- € 215
With 2 doghouses and base plates

Available from: 7 mar 25
Delivery time: 2-12 business days from the date of availability

€ 4.544,-
€ 4.329,-
Dog kennel COMPART with 3 doghouses, base plates and feeders 825x240x222cm - € 317
with 3 dog houses and base plates

Available from: 7 mar 25
Delivery time: 2-12 business days from the date of availability

€ 6.653,-
€ 6.336,-
- € 396
with 4 doghouses and base plates

Available from: 7 mar 25
Delivery time: 2-12 business days from the date of availability

€ 8.450,-
€ 8.054,-

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